
YCJUSD Communications

We work with local media, coordinate events, and communicate with the public through this website, social media, and other means to communicate with our stakeholders to ensure they know about the innovative and exciting ways we are preparing our students for the future.

We also work closely with the YCJUSD Board of Education, Cabinet, and administrators to enhance community engagement, and transparency as well as assist in government relations.

If you have any questions regarding district communications, events, or policy, please contact our Public Information/Communication Specialist, Lance Bradley or at 909-797-0174 ext 5803

School News and Events Submission

11 Questions

School-wide achievement
Important visitor or invited guest
Individual student achievement/accolade
Community partnership
LCAP-specific news
Past or upcoming field trip
Career discovery event/trip
Stories demonstrating student resilience/perseverance
Teachers going above and beyond
Significant student or teacher award
Positive student/teacher relationships or interactions
Parent engagement highlight
Service learning/student philanthropy
Alumni relations